Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pactice Plan Summer 2013

Summer 2013

I have three weeks to teach 32 players the Read and React offense to play in the summer league. I split the girls into two groups based on how much of the offense they have been exposed to. Practice group 2 is made of the more experienced players, including my fall travel team.

We practice on Thursday nights. Of the 32 girls, 14 will miss one or both of the first two practices because of other youth sports obligations and two will miss the three practices. (As of July 2, I have two players to have yet to make it to a practice.) I had one make up practice scheduled where I spent two hours on strictly teaching the first 6 Layers of the Read and React.

Week 1 Thursday June 6

Practice group 1
Layer 1 – Pass & Cut
Layer 2 – Post Pass & Cut
Layer 3 – Dribble At

Practice group 2
Layer 1 – Pass & Cut
Layer 2 – Post Pass & Cut
Layer 3 – Dribble At
Layer 4 – Circle Move
-drives only
Layer 6 - Baseline Drive
-corner come back
3 on 3 stay in lane no dribble live at three point line

Week 2 Thursday June 12

Practice group 1
Review pass and cut, dribble at.
Review post pass and cut
-add laker cut high
-add laker cut low
Layer 4 – Circle Move
-right and left drives
-bounces off
-driver calls out the direction
Layer 6 - Baseline Drive
-corner come back

Practice group 2
Review pass and cut, dribble at.
Review post pass and cut
-add laker cut high
-add laker cut low
Review layer 4 – Circle Move
-right and left drives
-add bounce offs
-driver calls out the direction
Review layer 6 - Baseline Drive
-corner come back
-add post slide up
Layer 5 - post slides
Layer 17 - Bingo
5 on 5 on 5 scrimmage

Sunday June 20 Make Up Practice (Mixed Experience Group)

Group One (5 low experienced players including one player who never played basketball before.)
Layer 1 – Pass & Cut
Layer 2 – Post Pass & Cut
- laker cut high
- laker cut low
Layer 3 – Dribble At
Layer 5 - post slides

Group Two (5 experienced basketball players for which most of it was a review)

Layer 1 – Pass & Cut
Layer 2 – Post Pass & Cut
- laker cut high
- laker cut low
Layer 3 – Dribble At
Layer 5 - post slides
Layer 4 – Circle Move
-drives only
Layer 6 - Baseline Drive
-corner come back
-equal spacing at top
-post slide up
Layer 17 - Bingo

Both groups:
Dribbling drills including suicides (so I could see their ball handing.)

Week 3

Thursday June 20

Practice Group 1
-add post slide up
Layer 5 - post slides
Layer 17 - Bingo

Practice Group 2
Stress peak at the rim every time upon receiving a pass.
Dribble with the outside hand on dribble at.
Dribble with the right hand on a right drive. Dribble with the left hand on a left drive.
Read line.
Layer 15 - Power Dribble

Sunday June 23 Full Roster Practice (Mixed Experience Group)

Ball Handling
Reviewed all layers except Layer 15
Bingo with defenders
Havoc (man to man deny)

Week 4

Tuesday June 25

Practice Group 1
Ball Handling on the move
Dribbling drills including suicides
Bingo with defenders
Havoc (man to man deny)

Practice Group 2
Ball Handling on the move
Inbounds play - Stack
3 on 3 stay in lane no dribble live at three point line. Reviewed ways to get opens
Dribble moves balloon game

Thursday June 27 GAME DAY

Friday June 28 Open Gym

Hesitation dribble with step back cross over
3 on 3 games using read and react rules. Team choice of defense regular or havoc.
1 on 1 defense game (1st player plays defense 1 on 1 with every one in line one after the other and then goes to the end of the line)
2 on 2 defense game (1st 2 players play defense 2 on 2 with every one in line in sets of 2 one set after the other and then goes to the end of the line)

Week 5

Tuesday July 2

Practice Group 1
Hesitation with step back cross
Review with combos
Defense 1on1 lanes, 2on1, 1on2, 3on2, 3on3
Bingo with havoc defenders
Read line
3 on 3 stay in lanes drill
Inbounds: Stack
Inbounds: Stack - with defenders

Practice Group 2
Hesitation with step back cross
Two ball dribbling
Review with combos
-Stress square to basket every time upon receiving a pass.
-Dribble with the outside hand on dribble at.
-Dribble with the right hand on a right drive. Dribble with the left hand on a left drive.
Shell - regular
Shell - havoc
Read line.
Bingo with havoc defenders
Bingo with regular defenders
Layer 15 - Power Dribble
- make the dribbles slow and deliberate
Defense 1on1 lanes, 2on1, 1on2, 2on3, 3on2, 3on3

Friday July 5 Open Gym

5 on 5 scrimmages with referee

Week 6

Tuesday, July 9 GAME DAY

Thursday July 11

Practice Group 1 
Review with combos
Defense 1on1 lanes, 2on1, 1on2, 2on3, 3on2, 3on3
Bingo with havoc defenders
Read line
Under the basket
~1. Quick feet up back up back spin lay up
~2. close out, slide, back pedal, slide
~3. Star passing to a layup (Three basic passes – chest, bounce and overhead
~~◦Step to meet the pass and shorten the pass
~~◦Show a target)
Set Plays
~◦Inbound "Stack"
~◦Inbound Press Break "Flat-line"

Practice Group 2
Review with combos
~Stress square to basket every time upon receiving a pass.
~Dribble with the outside hand on dribble at.
~Dribble with the right hand on a right drive. Dribble with the left hand on a left drive.

Layup loops with a move first from each side of the hoop at high speed.

Read and React
Bingo with Defenders
--On the ball, stay between your man and the hoop
--Nose to Ball
--Point your pistols (Ball, you, man)
--Don't reach
◦Close Out
◦TALK ( )
◦A man with a ball in the paint is EVERYONE'S MAN.

Friday July 12 Open Gym

5 on 5 scrimmages with referee

Week 7

Tuesday July 17

Practice Group 1
Review with combos
Bingo with havoc defenders
Read line
Defense  3on2, 3on3
Set Plays:
◦Inbound "Stack"

Practice Group 2
Review with combos
Bingo with havoc defenders
Read line
Defense  3on2, 3on3
Circle Trapping
Pass, cut, pick

Tuesday, July 18  GAME DAY

Friday July 19 Foot Work and Conditioning Clinic

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